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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

After pictures

Tyler had another great day yesterday.  The stretching of the medication did get to him this evening and he didn't quite make it to the 6 hour mark.  However, he did continue to improve.  I am astounded watching him move around.  It is crazy that this is the same little body I saw lying in the hospital bed, barely conscious and just out of surgery less than a week ago.  Tyler is just bouncing back so quickly!  But we know he still has significant pain when the medication wears off, and that is a good reality check.  He may be able to move well, and is healing quickly, but he still is recovering from a major surgery and that is something that will take time.

Tyler is having a great time playing with Kaitlyn, but I need to remind both of them to be careful.  Tyler is good about knowing his limits, or at least recognizing once he has reached a limit.  I was scared, then laughed yesterday when they were playing and I heard Tyler call for help.  I discovered him lying on the floor on his back.  He was stuck!  He has gotten pretty good at getting down and back up off the ground by holding onto something, but there are some positions he just can't get out of without help!

I took some "after" pictures today and he really looks great!

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